Fenland Fire Rated Duct System
Approximately 85% of deaths in fire situations are caused by smoke inhalation. Non-fire-resistant ductwork systems can be responsible for allowing the initial spread of fire between compartments, and the rapid spread of smoke and decomposition products. The correct use of fire-resistant ductwork will ensure fire compartmentation and assist in the safe dispersal of smoke and hazardous fumes.
The Fenland Fire Duct System is an augmented ductwork construction utilizing the latest manufacturing techniques to which an intumescent coating is factory applied. As the coating is spray applied, this allows the ductwork system to be manufactured in any cross-sectional shape to suit the application. Thus, producing a flanged single skin Fire Rated Ductwork system that ensures stability and integrity of up to 4 hours.
Leminar Air Conditioning Industries, a fire rated duct manufacturer in India is the sole manufacturing licensee for Fenland Fire Duct System-UK for the geographical market covering UAE, Oman, Bahrain, and Kuwait. All Leminar personnel are trained by Fenland Fire Contracts Ltd. UK (FFC-UK) for its applications and constructional requirements.
The Fenland Fire Duct System complies with the requirements of Method 3 of BS 5588 Part 9: 1989 & Method 3 (clause: of BS 9999:2008; has been fully tested in accordance with BS 476 Part 24: 1987 (ISO 6944: 1985) up to 4 hours stability and integrity for Type A ducts (Fire outside) and up to 3 hours stability, integrity and 2 hours insulation for Type B ducts (fire inside).
The Fenland Fire Duct System has been tested and assessed by the BRE Centre for Fire Resistance (formerly the Loss Prevention Council Board - LPCB) to be suitable for use as, "a Fire Rated Ventilation Duct, a Smoke Extract/Outlet Duct or a Kitchen Extract Duct. The same is assessed by LPCB (UK), Warringtonfire Exova (UK) and listed in their Mideast scheme.